Thursday 7 April 2011

Dr. Mirza proceeds on indefinite leave

KARACHI: Sindh Home Minister Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza has proceeded on leave for an indefinite period and Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah will now oversee his affairs, SCI News reported on Wednesday.

Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza is ill and proceeding on leave for getting medical treatment, sources quoted Syed Qaim Ali Shah as saying.

It is also learnt that Dr. Mirza’s portfolio has also been taken from him.

Meanwhile, the Sindh Chief Minister has said that restoration of law and order is the responsibility of the government and that it will be established with the cooperation of the coalition partners.

He expressed his inability to say anything in regard to the duration of Dr. Mirza’s leave at the moment.

It may be mentioned here that Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) had only yesterday given two-day deadline to the government to purge Karachi of extortion mafia. It is in this context that Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza’s going on leave holds particular importance.

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